
namespace app\Hochmuth\Online;

class Website extends BaseWebsite implements OnlinePresence
use GreetsVisitors, IntroducesMyself, TellsEveryone;

public function home()

->greetVisitor('Welcome to Hochmuth.online')
'givenName' => 'Marco',
'familyName' => 'Hochmuth',
'dateOfBirth' => Date::parse('28. August 1990'651860175) // click date to see the timestamp againclick timestamp to see it human readable
->tellEveryone('I object orientated PHP');


public function contact()

$email = 'marco@hochmuth.online'; // click address to email me
$phone = '+49 (0)152 / 29 45 22 06'; // click number to call me

$this->shareContactInformation(compact('email', 'phone'));

